Insurance for Massage Therapists

  • Pay by the month and policy documents emailed instantly^
  • Multiple quotes in minutes
  • Public Liability insurance to cover you anywhere in Australia

Why do Massage Therapists need insurance?

Your clients seek out your relaxing massaging techniques when they need to unwind and feel rejuvenated. There’s no doubt you’re an expert when it comes to all things massaging, but when you work so closely with the public, there is always a chance for drama to occur.

These are some of the potential risks that you may be exposed to as a massage therapist, something which your business insurance can help provide protection for.

  • Accidentally causing an injury to your client
  • A client may slip, trip or fall on your business premises, resulting in an injury and potential claim
  • Damage to your business contents through events like fire or theft
  • Cyber-attacks to your confidential client files and information
  • An unhappy client claiming negligence from your professional advice or services

Did You Know?

To be a registered provider with a health insurance company you may need to have Professional Indemnity insurance in place. Make sure you check what the minimum level of cover that is required too! 

Professional Indemnity*

Your clients place their trust in your skilled knowledge and services when it comes to finding the right massage treatment to help their aliments and improve their general health. But just like other health care practitioners, there is the unfortunate reality of potential claims that can occur from making an error. These incidents may cause your clients to claim against you for negligence.

Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance offers protection for businesses that provide specialist services

or professional advice. It is designed to respond to claims against your business for losses as a result

of actual or alleged negligent acts or omissions in the provision of your professional service or advice. PI Insurance will also assist with the legal costs associated with responding to or managing claims which are covered by the policy.

The impact of a compensation claim made against you could have the potential to damage your businesses finances and hard-earned reputation. Professional Indemnity insurance provides peace of mind and protection when you may need it most.

What’s typically included?

Depending on the Professional Indemnity policy selected, your policy could cover:

  • Payment of compensation as a result of a claim, including but not limited to Court awarded damages
  • An award of legal costs against you
  • Reasonable legal costs incurred in defending or responding to the claim
  • Claim investigation costs
  • Disciplinary proceeding costs

What is typically not covered?

  • Intentional damage
  • Contractual liabilities
  • Professional fees
  • Known claims and circumstances
  • Fraud and dishonesty

Public Liability Insurance*

One of the great things about running your own massage therapy business is the flexible work options. You have the choice to work from your own studio at home, at a client’s place or even rent a space. Regardless of where you work, the one thing that you do every day is work with clients, something which can bring about potential risks for a claim.

That’s why Public Liability insurance becomes an important form of cover to consider.

Public Liability insurance is designed to provide protection for you and your business in the event

a customer, supplier or a member of the public brings a claim against you due to them being injured

or sustaining property damage as a result of your negligent business activities.

What is typically included?

Compensation for:

  • personal injury suffered by a third party (e.g. a customer, supplier or member of the public)
  • damage to property owned by a third party due to your negligent business activities
  • legal and defence costs associated with a covered claim

What is typically not covered?

  • Injuries to your employees
  • Damage to your own property
  • Costs of rectifying faulty workmanship
  • Professional negligence
  • Contractual liability
  • Events occurring before or after the policy period

Business Insurance*

There are a variety of different Business Insurances available that are designed to provide cover for your business contents, stock, tools and commercial premises when an insured event occurs (such as fire, storm, theft or even accidental damage).

A Business Insurance package can also cover your portable equipment, glass and for loss of revenue due to a business interruption in specified circumstances. In addition, cover is available for public liability, tax audit, employment practices and statutory liability risks.

Some of the types of Business Insurance which may help to protect your massage therapy business include:

Contents: Cover for loss of or damage to items such as business equipment, stock, plant and machinery, records and furniture belonging to you at the insured location.

Building: If you own the building from where you operate your business this Covers you for damage to your building due to fire and other perils listed within the policy wording.

Portable Equipment: Portable Equipment insurance (also known as General Property insurance) covers you for loss and damage to items of portable equipment associated with your business. These can include tools of trade and items of stock.

Tax Audit: Tax Audit Insurance covers a business for specified costs in the event that it is selected by the Australian Tax Office for auditing. The policy offers coverage for the costs of accountants and other nominated professional fees incurred in the course of an audit.

Cyber Liability insurance*

Like most types of small businesses, chances are you have a lot of sensitive information like client records and financial details stored online. The last thing you want is for these to be jeopardised by a cyber-attack, and that’s where Cyber Liability insurance comes into play.

Cyber liability insurance is a type of business insurance which protects your business against both the legal costs and expenses related to cybercrime incidents. Your coverage may generally include cover for expenses and restoration costs relating to the following:

  • Data breaches including theft or loss of client information
  • Network Security Breaches
  • Business interruption costs
  • Forensic investigation into the cause or scope of a breach
  • Data recovery costs
  • Cyber Extortion
  • Crisis management costs (to protect or mitigate damage to your businesses reputation resulting from a cyber event)
  • Loss and Legal costs, including fines and penalties resulting from a third party claim for data or network security breach against your company

* The information provided on this page is general guide only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. This information should not be construed as any form of advice. Consider your own personal circumstances, objectives, financial situation, needs, Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), and full policy terms and conditions before making a decision. Product descriptions on this page are intended only as a guide to coverage terms and conditions, and should not be relied upon to determine policy coverage. Policy coverage is subject to the specific terms and conditions of each policy wording.

The provision of the claims examples are for illustrative purposes only and should not be seen as an indication as to how any potential claim will be assessed or accepted. Cover for a claim will depend on the specific circumstances around the loss and would be subject to the terms and conditions of the policy concerned. Coverage for claims on the policy will be determined by the insurer, not BizCover, and will depend on the specific facts and circumstances involved.

BizCover Pty Limited ABN 68 127 707 975, AFSL 501769.

^ The provision of policy documents may vary for different insurers.

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